Dial Our Telebanc Line: 1-866-586-0044
Dear Valued Customer,
We are excited to announce a new customer service now available at Texas National Bank. TNBTELEBANC, a revolutionary product, has been installed to assist you in obtaining account information 24 hours a day.
We encourage you to use TNBTELEBANC, by calling the number above for information regarding your checking or savings accounts, CDs or loans. Please feel free to try both the touch-tone and speech recognition features to find which works best for you.
A confidential security code is created by you on your first call to the system. When prompted by TNBTELEBANC, use this number, along with any of your account numbers from your statement to obtain your account information. TNBTELEBANC will provide you with the current account information described above.
We continually strive to bring you fast, friendly service by employing the latest in banking technology.
From your friends,
Texas National Bank
For your first call, use the last four digits of the primary social security number on the account to establish your confidential security code.
Offered to You 24 Hours a Day by Texas National Bank of Jacksonville, TX, Member FDIC